Author Archives: Matthew

Striking a Pose

Striking a Pose

Kite Frustration

Why is it that the wind completely dies when you get the kites out?

Kite Frustration

Don’t let the kid’s hair fool you. There. Was. No. Wind.

Spring Break in Branson

We decided to spend Spring Break this year in Branson, Missouri.

We did a lot of relaxing at our condo, but also hiked, took in the Titanic museum, miniature golfed, went to a show, took a winery tour and tasting, went to many, many restaurants, etc.

We had a great time on our hike.

Hiking in Branson

We even spotted a few lizards.

Looking for Lizards

The only show we saw was SIX.  We enjoyed it.  They are very talented, but they need a better director.  The pacing was terrible.  As Ashley says, you could drive an 18-wheeler through the pauses.


We also went to the Dewey Short Visitor Center and enjoyed the beautiful Table Rock Lake.

Table Rock Lake


Emma & Ethan

We all had a great time!



But the highlight of the trip was definitely the miniature golf.  We went twice, but all enjoyed Pirate’s Cove the best.

Pirate's Cove

Cherry Blossom in Washington ~ Best Shot Monday


For more best shots, visit Tracey.

Washington, D.C. in 36 Hours: Day 2

On the morning we came back from D.C., we went to the White House.  We could tell President Obama was home because the Marine was standing outside the Oval Office.  The Logsdons also got stuck in traffic waiting for his motorcade to go by later in the day.

The White House

I thought it was funny that the press were all huddled together in one spot, when on TV you see someone reporting live from the White House lawn and it always looks like they’re the only one there.

The White House Press Corps

Washington, D.C. in 36 Hours: Day 1

On Saturday, we went to see the absolutely fantastic How to Train Your Dragon with friends and kids.  The Wests were leaving for Washington, D.C. the next day for a concert and some sightseeing with their kids.  They had found out just before the movie started that the kids might not be able to go because the person who was supposed to watch them while Audrey and Nathan went to the concert was ill.  We had only a few hours to decide, but it didn’t take long.  We agreed (twist our arms…go ahead) to go, and so did the Logsdons.  So we got all packed up, and the twelve of us loaded up two minivans and set out for our nation’s capital on Sunday morning.

Day one (Monday) was rainy, but we made the most of it.  We took the Metro Rail to the Smithsonian, but decided to walk the National Mall in the morning instead because it wasn’t raining too hard.  As it turns out, it was the right decision because it was windy and cold on Tuesday.

We started with the Capitol in view.

The Capitol

We proceeded to the Washington Monument…

Avery, Emma, Moira, & Ethan

..and headed toward the Reflecting Pool.

Walking to the Lincoln Memorial

The rain made for some neat shots.  As we approached the Lincoln Memorial, a band was playing The National Anthem.

The Mall

I was amazed by the size of the Lincoln Memorial.

Lincoln Memorial

And the view from the Lincoln Memorial back across the Mall was awesome.

Washington Monument

Wordless Wednesday ~ Riding the Carousel


Click here for more Wordless Wednesday.

Yummy Cake ~ Wordless Wednesday

Yummy Cake!

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Happy 4th Birthday, Ethan!







2010 Dance Recital

