Category Archives: Emma

Striking a Pose

Striking a Pose

2010 Dance Recital



Little Dancer ~ Best Shot Monday

Emma’s busy getting ready for her dance and gymnastics recitals this weekend.

Little Dancer

For more best shots, check with Tracey.

Happy 6th Birthday, Emma!

I can’t believe it has been six years!

Baby Emma

Blowing Out the Candles

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! We love you!

Festival of the Horse Parade

Friday night was our town’s annual “Festival of the Horse” parade.  Emma and Ethan’s school had several floats in the parade, and they were supposed to be dressed up as princesses and knights in shining armor.  Ethan wore his “Peter Pan” outfit because it was the only costume we had for him, but Emma (of course) had a princess gown.


Princess Emma

And Aunt Paulie, Uncle Ben, and Cousin Mason arrived just in time for Paulie and Mason to jump onto the float as the parade was starting.

Mason and Paulie



On the Playground

We tried to go to one of the local orchards today, but we didn’t get there until after they’d closed.  So, we went to one of the elementary schools and played on the playground.

Ethan did his impression of the Six Million Dollar Boy.

6 Million Dollar Boy

Emma’s hair got a lot of static electricity from the slides.




We all had a great time.



Wordless Wednesday ~ The Reading Nook

Reading Nook

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here.

Camp IN

A friend recently camped out with his kids, and it inspired me to do the same.  Since the only flat spot we have in our yard is in the front, and since I was afraid Ethan would go exploring once he was sure I was asleep, we opted to camp inside this first time.


I set the tent up Friday night while Ash got the kids ready for bed.  Then instead of putting them in bed, she brought them down to sleep in the tent with Daddy.  They were very surprised, and Ethan was very excited.  Emma wanted Mommy to join us, but eventually warmed up to the idea. 


Now that we’ve done it once, they both want to do it every night. Daddy, however, realized that he’s getting very, very old. I’ve been paying for sleeping on that hard floor all weekend!

The New Punishment ~ Wordless Wednesday


See more Wordless Wednesday here.

Kids Say the Darndest Things ~ Friday

Emma’s had some real gems lately…

During our Disney World vacation, we spent an evening at one of the pools at the resort.  There was a little girl named Ashland (around eight or nine years old) who was hanging out with Emma.  I overheard a portion of their conversation:

Ashland:  “We’re staying here for two months.”

Emma:  “My parents don’t have very much money.”

Keep in mind…we stayed for eight days, a pretty good vacation, if you ask me!

Early in the week, Emma heard us telling someone that the last time we were in Disney World was our honeymoon,  eleven years ago.  On Friday or Saturday, we were on the bus to Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and a nice lady struck up a conversation with Emma.

Lady:  “Is this your first time in Disney World?”

Emma:  “Yes.  We usually come every eleven years, or so.”

Earlier this week, Emma and I were driving home and she said something that made me laugh.

Me:  “You’re cute.”

Emma:  “You’re cuter.”

Me:  “Well, thanks, honey.”

Emma:  “Yeah, I may be funnier, but you’re cuter.”